CommandMosaic: a Java command pattern framework


CommandMosaic is a project with the following high-level goals:


The Command design pattern is a well-known pattern described in the “Gang of Four” Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software book.

This Java library contains an implementation of the command pattern, a simple programming interface for passing parameters to commands, and a minimalistic container for easily exposing commands as a simple service with minimal amount of boilerplate code.

In addition to this, out-of-the-box support is provided for the industry standard Spring Framework allowing the library consumers to develop their commands as pure Spring Beans, with the rich set of functionality offered by Spring, like transaction support, automatic dependency injection through Spring’s @Autowired annotation etc.

The framework is runtime-agnostic, which means it can be used in practically all environments, ranging from a small command line application through Java Servlet based systems, any Spring or Spring Boot application, including any serverless cloud platform, where Java is available.


Commands are simple Java classes that implement the business logic in the execute method defined in the Command interface. Their parameters are passed via fields annotated with @Parameter annotation, which are automatically injected by the framework.

package sample;

import org.commandmosaic.api.Command;
import org.commandmosaic.api.Parameter;
import org.commandmosaic.api.CommandContext;

public class GreetingCommand implements Command<String> {

    String name;

    public String execute(CommandContext context) {
        return "Hello " + name;

Spring Framework support

Spring is supported out-of-the box: a Command class can also be a Spring bean, allowing it to be used according to powerful and well-known Spring concepts, including automatic dependency injection through Spring’s @Autowired annotation.

package sample;

import org.commandmosaic.api.Command;
import org.commandmosaic.api.Parameter;
import org.commandmosaic.api.CommandContext;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

public class GreetCommand implements Command<String> {

    private GreetingService greetingService;

    private String name;

    public String execute(CommandContext context) {

        return greetingService.getMessage(name);

Exposing Commands as a service

Today, the typical implementation pattern for building interactive web applications is using RESTful web services: that is, mapping HTTP URL patterns and certain HTTP operations (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) to the respective handler code.

While this is a nice and clear approach, there might be some drawbacks, esecially with more complex applications. As the application grows, the exposed interface becomes larger and larger. While Frameworks like Spring REST offer massive help with the implementation, some challenges still remain:

Based on this we can see the limitations of a implementing a service through via RESTful interfaces:

Unlike the traditional RESTful API pattern, CommandMosaic offers a slightly different approach: building the application out of small blocks – commands – and exposing one service, that allows the remote clients to request the execution of a command. Security is managed at the level of commands: each command simply declares who can execute it (role based security), but has to know nothing how it is actually invoked.

With CommandMosaic, the only API operation exposed is dispatching of a command: this allows keeping the interface minimal and focusing on the business logic instead of writing boilerplate code for exposing operations for remote consumption. One simply does not have to write any code to expose a new feature implemented as a command in the application. This concept makes a great deal of difference with larger and more complex application.

By default, a CommandMosaic command dispatch request is simply a JSON document sent to the dispatch handler via HTTP POST with similar structure:

    "command": "Foobar",
    "parameters" : {
        "foo": "Hello there",
        "bar": 42
    "protocol": "CM/1.0"    

Command names

Exposing the full package structure of the application in remote scenarios would be especially undesirable. To prevent unwanted coupling and to reduce overall message size, CommandMosaic uses abbreviated command names, where command names do not contain the common root package name prefix configured during the creation of the CommandDispatcher and use forward slash (“/”) instead of the dot (“.”) package separator.

For example, assuming the CommandDispatcher used was configured with org.acme as the root package, the following request would cause the command to be executed:

    "command": "foo/bar/Foobar",
    "protocol": "CM/1.0"    


In remote service cases, having proper security is essential so that commands can only be executed by authorized clients only.
The module commandmosaic-security contains support features for this requirement.

Two annotations are provided to mark the access levels of each commands:

Access control is implemented via CommandInterceptors: application developers are required to develop a custom interceptor by extending the framework-provided class and configure it for the CommandDispatcher. provides a base implementation for security CommandInterceptors: its attemptLogin(CommandContext) method must be implemented by the end-user. Such implementations will want to extract the user-defined authentication/authorization information from the request via the CommandContext.getAuth() method.

The user-provided security CommandInterceptor must be configured within CommandDispatcherConfiguration, otherwise security will not be enabled.

CommandDispatcherConfiguration configuration = CommandDispatcherConfiguration.builder()

Message “auth” field

Each command dispatch request can have a user defined, field “auth”, which holds key-value pairs: when security is enabled, this must be provided for all requests that dispatch a command marked with @RestrictedAccess annotation.

The content of the field is user-defined key value pairs; the only restriction is that it must be deserializable to a HashMap.

For example, the following sample shows passing two fields in the “auth” Map field, username and password.

  "command": "foo/bar/Foobar",
  "auth": {
    "username": "foo",
    "password": "bar"
  "protocol": "CM/1.0"

These values can be extracted from the CommandContext via the Map returned by CommandContext.getAuth() method. The user’s implementation of attemptLogin(CommandContext) must authenticate the request: throw an AuthenticationException in case login fails, otherwise return the roles associated with the user. (The rest of the security management is handled by the framework code in AbstractSecurityCommandInterceptor)

package sample;

import org.commandmosaic.api.CommandContext;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyCustomSecurityCommandInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityCommandInterceptor {

    protected Set<String> attemptLogin(CommandContext commandContext) throws AuthenticationException {
        Map<String, Object> auth = commandContext.getAuth();

        String username = (String) auth.get("username");
        String password = (String) auth.get("password");

        // throw AuthenticationException if login fails, otherwise retrieve user roles

        Set<String> rolesOfTheUser = // retrieve user roles ...

        return rolesOfTheUser;

Built-in integrations for exposing commands as a service

The following integrations are provided out-of-the-box:

Using the CommandDispatcherServer server classes

This library was designed with the goal of exposing commands as services with minimum amount of code. The API org.commandmosaic.api.server.CommandDispatcherServer provides a layer of abstraction between how a command dispatch request is transmitted and represented, and the actual CommandDispatcher being used.

A CommandDispatcherServer reads the incoming dispatch request from a and writes the outcome of the command execution to Any container that can provide incoming messages as and can receive the response as bytes being written to a can easily be integrated.

The class org.commandmosaic.core.server.DefaultCommandDispatcherServer offers a default implementation for building the dispatcher server.

Its constructor takes a CommandDispatcher that it will use to dispatch incoming requests. Its only public method serviceRequest reads the dispatch requests from the supplied InputStream as JSON and writes the response back to the OutputStream as JSON as well. This allows easy integration to any request handling mechanism where the application has access to the request streams. (For example: Apache Netty network servers etc.)

Implementing the Command Pattern

Command Pattern within a Plain Java application

The simplest case is using the CommandDispatcher API for implementing Command Pattern in a Java application, without exposing commands as a service. Here, one only uses the library for organizing code in a modular and re-usable structure.


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:



For this use-case, one constructs a CommandDispatcherConfiguration object using its builder and then calls uses the corresponding “plain-Java” CommandDispatcherFactory to construct a CommandDispatcher. The rootPackage specified acts as a restriction for the CommandDispatcher: it will only accept commands that are located in the specified package or any of its subpackages. In the sample below, the dispatchCommand method call would throw an Exception for any commands that are outside of the root package com.acmecorp.foobarapp.sample. This explicit definition ensures only the intended commands can be executed by a given CommandDispatcher. At the same time, one application can host an arbitrary number of CommandDispatchers.

package org.commandmosaic.plain.sample;

import org.commandmosaic.api.Command;
import org.commandmosaic.api.CommandContext;
import org.commandmosaic.api.CommandDispatcher;
import org.commandmosaic.api.Parameter;
import org.commandmosaic.api.configuration.CommandDispatcherConfiguration;
import org.commandmosaic.api.factory.CommandDispatcherFactory;
import org.commandmosaic.plain.PlainCommandDispatcherFactory;

public class SampleApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        CommandDispatcherConfiguration configuration = CommandDispatcherConfiguration.builder()

        CommandDispatcherFactory factory = PlainCommandDispatcherFactory.getInstance();
        CommandDispatcher commandDispatcher = factory.getCommandDispatcher(configuration);

        GreetingCommand greetingCommand = new GreetingCommand("John Smith");
        String result = commandDispatcher.dispatchCommand(greetingCommand, null);


    public static class GreetingCommand implements Command<String> {

        private String name;

        public GreetingCommand() {
            // no argument constructor is required for the framework

        public GreetingCommand(String name) {
   = name;

        public String execute(CommandContext context) {
            return "Hello " + name;

See sample application

Command Pattern within a Spring Boot application

The library provides out-of-the-box support for Spring Boot. You can get the library to automatically initialize by Spring Boot and develop your commands as Spring Beans, with the rich set of functionality offered by Spring, like transaction support, automatic dependency injection through Spring’s @Autowired annotation etc.


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:



With the commandmosaic-spring-boot-autoconfigure you can rely on Spring Boot library auto-configuration: simply create a CommandDispatcherConfiguration and expose it as a Spring bean.

public CommandDispatcherConfiguration springCommandDispatcherConfiguration() {
	return CommandDispatcherConfiguration.builder()

Once done, you can simply rely on standard Spring auto-wiring to receive the reference to the Spring-aware CommandDispatcher instance.

public class FoobarServiceImpl implements FoobarService {

	private final CommandDispatcher commandDispatcher;

	public FoobarServiceImpl(CommandDispatcher commandDispatcher) {
		this.commandDispatcher = commandDispatcher;
	// ... use the CommandDispatcher

See sample application

Exposing Commands from a Java application

Exposing Commands through a Servlet (without Spring)

Commands can be exposed as a lightweight REST service, where only one operation, the dispatching of a command is published. The implementation is inside a framework-provided servlet class that expects the same JSON document format as other runtime environments use. The users of this library has to configure CommandDispatcherServlet bundled within the framework, after which they have to just start writing their command implementation.

A request is simply a JSON document, with similar structure:

    "command": "Foobar",
    "parameters" : {
        "foo": "Hello there",
        "bar": 42
    "protocol": "CM/1.0"    


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:



Configure the org.commandmosaic.http.servlet.CommandDispatcherServlet Servlet provided by the framework for the desired URL and configure it using initialization parameters according to the following:

You will likely want to secure access to particular commands and implement proper authentication and access management (authorization). For this, please refer to the features of commandmosaic-security module, which offers standardised annotation based access control and an abstract CommandInterceptor base class for plugging in custom authentication and authorization logic with minimal amount of code.

Exposing Commands from a Spring Boot application

Commands can be exposed as a lightweight REST service, where only one operation, the dispatching of a command is published. The library provides out-of-the-box support for Spring Boot. You can get the library to automatically initialize by Spring Boot and develop your commands as Spring Beans, with the rich set of functionality offered by Spring, like transaction support, automatic dependency injection through Spring’s @Autowired annotation etc.

A request is simply a JSON document, with similar structure:

    "command": "Foobar",
    "parameters" : {
        "foo": "Hello there",
        "bar": 42
    "protocol": "CM/1.0"    


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:



With the commandmosaic-spring-boot-autoconfigure you can rely on Spring Boot library auto-configuration: simply create a CommandDispatcherConfiguration and expose it as a Spring bean.


import org.commandmosaic.api.configuration.CommandDispatcherConfiguration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class SampleAppConfig {

    /* other configuration entries... */

	public CommandDispatcherConfiguration springCommandDispatcherConfiguration() {
		return CommandDispatcherConfiguration.builder()


Once done, you can simply expose the CommandDispatcherServer through a Spring Web REST RestController class similar to the one below. (Again: we rely on Spring to configure the dependencies for us.)

package sample;

import org.commandmosaic.api.server.CommandDispatcherServer;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;


public class CommandResource {

    private final CommandDispatcherServer commandDispatcherServer;

    public CommandResource(CommandDispatcherServer commandDispatcherServer) {
        this.commandDispatcherServer = commandDispatcherServer;

    public void processCommand(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        commandDispatcherServer.serviceRequest(is, os);

Servlerless Cloud with Amazon Lambda

Amazon Lambda (Java) is supported out-of-the-box. Different flavours of this library (Plain Java and Spring Boot support) provide abstract AWS RequestHandler base implementations that dispatch the command specified.

The benefit of using CommandMosaic with Amazon Lambda is the small interface footprint. You deploy you Lambda application with one AWS RequestHandler and configure AWS API Gateway with one HTTP resource. You then can add further commands to your code base without having to even touch the existing AWS API Gateway configuration as the only operation exposed is dispatching a command. These commands can easily be tested in a Junit / TestNG test or you can use the standard Servlet or Spring HttpRequestHandler containers to start a mock server for an full-blown integration test, which will provide exactly the same behaviour as the container running in the cloud (as the core behaviour is shared across all runtime environments).

When using CommandMosaic with Amazon Lambda, you, as the user of the framework have to subclass the appropriate base RequestHandler class with a placeholder class, that does nothing apart from passing configuration to the framework-provided superclass’s constructor. This placeholder class has to be configured as your lambda function: the framework provides the behaviour, while your placeholder sub-class provides the configuration only.

Once this is done, you can start implementing your Command classes and then package your application. The framework-provided RequestHandler base dispatches incoming requests to the corresponding commands. All you have to do is:

  1. Implement your business logic as commands
  2. Package the application properly for AWS Lambda and deploy it
  3. Configure the source trigger (e.g. AWS API Gateway) for your lambda function

You need to ensure that the application is packaged according to AWS requirements. You are encouraged to create an AWS Java lambda application skeleton using AWS Maven archetype and then add the corresponding library dependency.

Plain Java AWS Lambda function (without Spring)

Use this if you want to implement your AWS Lambda function without using Spring or Spring Boot at all.


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:


Java module declaration

When using the Java Platform Module System (“Java 9+ modules”), add similar settings to your module descriptor file. (NOTE: the sample below uses sampleapp as module name: do not forget to substitute your own module name)

module sampleapp {


    opens sampleapp to


Once the dependency is added, create a placeholder Java request handler class in your AWS Java lambda application that subclasses and has a no-argument constructor, which invokes the super constructor with the desired CommandDispatcherConfiguration configuration object.

Once this is done, you can start implementing your Command classes and then package your application. Your Command classes are Spring beans, so you can easily use Spring @Autowired depdency injection and other Spring features.

The framework-provided RequestHandler base dispatches incoming requests to the corresponding commands. All you have to do is:

  1. Implement your business logic as commands
  2. Package the application properly for AWS Lambda and deploy it
  3. Configure the source trigger (e.g. AWS API Gateway) for your lambda function

NOTE: You need to ensure that the application is packaged according to AWS requirements. You are encouraged to create an AWS Java lambda application skeleton using AWS Maven archetype and then add the corresponding library dependency.

Using Spring Boot 2.x+


Add the following dependency declaration to your Maven pom.xml. (or its equivalent in your other preferred build tool), replacing LATEST with the available latest version:


Java module declaration

When using the Java Platform Module System (“Java 9+ modules”), add similar settings to your module descriptor file. (NOTE: the sample below uses sampleapp as module name: do not forget to substitute your own module name)

module sampleapp {


    requires spring.boot.autoconfigure;
    requires spring.boot;
    requires spring.context;
    requires spring.beans;

    opens sampleapp to
            spring.core, spring.context, spring.beans,


Once the dependency is added, create a placeholder Java request handler class in your AWS Java lambda application that subclasses and has a no-argument constructor, which invokes the super constructor with the desired configuration, passing the class of the Spring Boot application class and optionally, the profiles used.

package sample;


public class SampleApplicationRequestHandlerSpringBootLambda extends SpringBootLambdaCommandDispatcherRequestHandler {

    public SampleApplicationRequestHandlerSpringBootLambda() {

Once this is done, you can start implementing your Command classes and then package your application. Your Command classes are Spring beans, so you can easily use Spring @Autowired depdency injection and other Spring features.

The framework-provided RequestHandler base dispatches incoming requests to the corresponding commands. All you have to do is:

  1. Implement your business logic as commands
  2. Package the application properly for AWS Lambda and deploy it
  3. Configure the source trigger (e.g. AWS API Gateway) for your lambda function

NOTE: You need to ensure that the application is packaged according to AWS requirements. You are encouraged to create an AWS Java lambda application skeleton using AWS Maven archetype and then add the corresponding library dependency.

Please check the sample application for a fully working project setup: commandmosaic-aws-lambda-springboot2-sample-app

Are we building a monolithic Lambda application?

The official recommendation from Amazon regarding Lambda functions is to use a separate function for every single operation and use further of their orchestration services (e.g. AWS Step Functions) to manage the cooperation, fully distributing and de-coupling microservices to the point where they are not maintained in the same code repository anymore.

Applications written using this library indeed can be considered as a monolithic application, however in my opinion this approach can actually be better in a number of cases, as

  1. You have all the application logic in place
  2. Refactorings are trivial with the help of a good IDE
  3. You only have one API to maintain, which can expose a large number of operations
  4. You still can use AWS services (e.g. API Gateway) to host multiple instances of the same application

Which dependency do you need

Please select the artifactId based on the following table. You always want to pick only one of the following dependencies:

Use-case Dependency artifactId
Plain Java application, no Spring commandmosaic-plain-java
Java application with Spring commandmosaic-spring
Java application with Spring Boot commandmosaic-spring-boot-autoconfigure
AWS Java Lambda, no Spring commandmosaic-aws-lambda-plain-java
AWS Java Lambda, with Spring Boot commandmosaic-aws-lambda-springboot

Spring Boot version required

As Spring Boot 1.x has been deprecated and is no longer supported by Pivotal, Spring Boot 1.x is not (and will not be) supported at all.

Please always use Spring Boot 2.x+ versions with this library.


You are encouraged to check the sample applications: please download the sample application projects referenced below. Before you can work with the sample project, you need to make adjustments to the project pom.xml file:

  1. Remove the <parent>...</parent> section
  2. Uncomment the sections commented out: this provides a working build configuration
  3. Adjust groupId/artifactId to your needs